

I was a premature infant for beyond bearing the difficulties mom suffered while walking; however, I was born rather hard, that’s perfectly unexpected: for the first time, daytime, I finally thrust my face out of my mom’s labia after slow soft movements, instantly, the light penetrated into my eyes and then the upper eyelid met the lower one, with two hands against the gate of the labia, and two legs fussed with the stand just like the cock’s wings thumping the water, I returned to the warm and moist place; it happened again at midnight, when I closed my eyes for the second try, feeling the muscle near the mouth burst open after my nose and throat were filled with a ghost of strange cold air, my eyes splitting open with a squeal “wa——” which blasted from my mouth, something mysterious and gentle, kneading a painful eye muscle like making atonement, alluring me outward without any hesitation, and at the same time, several whiffs of airflow, torn and stirred for something broken, rushing into my ears in chaos——that’s more torturous voice of mom, instead of extruding wildly, I retreated for such large buttocks; the third time, on a operating-table, mom was so awake fearing of rising to see me frozen to death after the last panic that only after I turned over while sleeping she immediately flew to the operating-table, where she exerted all her strength whereas I dreamt of a surpassing bright cavity scattered with various flowers, butterflies and bees dancing about, and myself floating on the surf, drifting towards the hole, to the ultima Thule, to the effulgence of a paradise of unknown and unrealized, in my transport stooping down to touch the seawater with my lips, however, just before I was pushed to the fringe of the hole, countless dark hands came to my view, wagging outside——I waked to learn that the wall of mom’s womb was bleeding for my scratch. The fourth time, closestool, I was born all of a sudden, oh, no, it’s my mother’s thought, actually I was foresighted. Just like a guilty man who did wrong every time without punishment falling, he would become unconscious of his vice, and not know chalk from cheese. The pain of mom made no difference. I decided to stay in the great place till I realized that the reason for me to reincarnation is not enjoy but slave for human being.
Although dystocia, I came to earth one month earlier than normal, rather frail. The speed I did anything mental or physical would be slower than my peers by one and a half beat, thus I was teased from my childhood, when they called me silly-billy, or doodle in English dialect, then I had my nickname “premature doodle”. I was so revengeful that I picked up the biggest number for my name which has the same tone with “玖玖”,and also you can call me “Sanfer” which I got afflatus from a secret dream whenever you have something to talk.

虽然难产,可我还是早了一个多月降世,相当得羸弱, 身体上精神上的一切事情,我比同龄人都要慢一拍半,从小被人谑称为二楞子,北京话叫二哥,于是我有了外号:早产的二哥。我不服气,给自己找了个最大的数自称,谐音玖玖,于是这两个字住进了我所有拥有的财产。待接触英文,我又给自己起了个洋名:Sanfer。